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Self-Care Inspired By Teachers

Self-care…yea right.  As teachers we hear about how we need to take care of ourselves, make the time for ourselves, we matter, and blah blah blah. 

We live a life of caring, giving, and doing for others.  Self-care is not something that comes naturally to us.  Not to mention, when do we actually have the time for ourselves?! 

Great question!

What is it that really fills your cup?

Over the years as a teacher, I’ve made many mistakes – offenses against myself – when it comes to self-care, but man did I learn some things along the way!  

Life had so many plans. Plans I wasn’t ready for or wasn’t a willing participant for.  Instead of rattling off the list of things (which I just deleted from this post, you’re welcome lol), let’s focus on the most eye-opening event…my car accident.

This car accident was not just a fender bender and it’s where things really changed for me. In short, I broke both legs; have a rod in one leg, and a rebuilt ankle on the other.  Yep, I was crushed…literally.  The doctors and nurses didn’t expect me to survive, but here I am! 

It was a challenging time, but so many positives came from it, and most likely this topic deserves its own post because the change that this accident made in my life was significant. 

I learned just how much I matter very quickly.  And not in a selfish way.  I mattered in ways I didn’t realize. 

So, what is self-care anyway? 

I’ll give you a hint…it’s not binge-watching Netflix and eating all the “cheat meals” over the weekend! Self-care is truly the act of taking care of our bodies; physically, mentally, and emotionally.

  1. Plan it!

    Literally sit down and write a list of what fills your cup.  Organize those items on the calendar for specific days and times.  For example, I know historically that Thursdays are my meltdown day.  It’s the day I can’t hold it together.  So, this is the day that I make sure dinner is prepped so that when I come home there’s one less thing to worry about and my night is a little easier.  Let’s face it, being a mom/ parent is another full-time job.

    Also, under this topic, get your spouse, partner, or family involved.  In our house, we have a weekly family meetingSundays at dinner time to review the upcoming week.  We discuss meals, important appointments or events coming up, coordinate rides, and plan for the self-care.  This is also a great time to touch base on our self-care habits.  For me,morning workouts are part of my self-care plan.  My husband it great at being an accountability partner and helping to make that time possible for me.

    *Get a copy of my weekly planning page HERE!

  2. Care for your body

    Let’s be real, sometimes binge-watching Netflix and weekend cheat meals what your body needs.  My body is great at letting me know that it’s time to just sit.  But when you care for you body, you do way more than just sit and rest.  You have to give your body what it needs.  Healthy meals, activity, and the time to rest. 

    I love meal-prepping.  This helps so much during the busy of the work week.  I plan out breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.  This helps me keep track of macros (loosely), save time each day, and the entire family is taken care of. 

    Another huge part of caring for your body is being active.  My tip is to find 1 hour a few days a week that you can allocate for some sort of movement.  Yoga, running, walking, at home workouts, the gym, whatever floats your boat.  For me, it’s the quiet morning workouts in my home office. 

  3. Care for your soul

    Spend time doing what you love.  That’s it.  Simple.  This can be super simple, like making a cappuccino in the morning before work, meal-prepping a charcuterie snack box for lunch, a bubble bath with candles after work, a glass of high-quality wine (a splurge for me), date night, girl’s night, club night, no kids time with friends, you name it!

    This may be the easiest thing to fit into the schedule because it’s typically the small things that we don’t even notice eachday that are what feed our soul.  Find little things throughout the day that can give you a moment of special self-care.  A reset.

  4. Stay present

    Oh, how I struggle with this but love it at the same time.  As adults we typically have way too many tabs open in our brains.  Sometimes we need to be deliberate and intentional.  Here is how I manage this area of my self-care, plan out a weekly calendar for tasks/ chores, family time, me time, and miscellaneous time.  During those designated times I do not allow myself to work on or worry about – mental time is time – other tasks.

    Family dinner is very important in our house. Each day after work and school, we gather at the table, set the mood with some Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin tunes playing in the background, and we end up sharing so much more than just a meal. To be sure that we are all present in this moment, we pile up our devices in the other room and turn them on silent. During our dinner we share 1 high and 1 low from our day. These highs and lows lead to so many conversations, stories, and vulnerable moments that are so important within a family connection.

  5. Set boundaries and let things go

    You control more in your life than you think.  Be specific with what you allow to affect you; people, events, stresses.  The way you allow it into your life is totally up to you!  A huge mindset shift for me.

Here are some positive boundaries to set:

  • Don’t let yourself be “used” in relationships; work and personal

  • Take control of your time; do not over commit, save time for you

  • It’s ok to say “no”

  • Limit the responsibilities you take on

  • Stay true to yourself; don’t change for people

  • Don’t try to fix other’s problems

  • Communicate your needs

  • Be honest when telling others, they’ve upset you

  • Don’t apologize for taking care of YOU!

That’s it.  Simple and something you could apply right now!  Grab your copy of planning tools and start making YOU a priority. 

Do you have your own tips and ideas of self-care?  Leave a comment and let me know!